Fighting Loneliness with "Likes"
Studies show that senior citizens are more connected to the web than ever before. According to the Pew Research Group, smartphone...

A Berry Gone Sour: The Demise of RIM and BlackBerry
StartFragmentHey, remember BlackBerry? In this day and age, it's basically the smartphone equivalent of asking about digital watches or...

Would YOU Work for Free?
Imagine a job where you have total freedom in how you spend your time—no meetings, no supervisors giving you pointless busywork, and no...

Royally Spammed: A Fast Food Story
StartFragment Today's blog post comes to you in epistolary form. A few days ago, I received an e-mail from the Burger King corporation...

The Smoking Monkey Memo
The inventor of the airplane seatbelt was a man ahead of his time. It's an over-used expression but in this case, it applies: engineer...

The Final Word on Word-of-Mouth
Let’s start at the location where every single sale begins. I’m talking, of course, about a customer’s brain. Inside each customer’s...

Umwelt: Beyond the Five Senses, or, the Mr. Potato Head Model
StartFragment All of the information that comes to your brain arrives through your senses. Sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing are...

Starbucks and Stephen Hawking
It's settled: the very best hot chocolate in the world comes from the Starbucks just outside of Xian, China. A bold statement? Yes, but I...

Cavemen and the Internet
The problem with you––and by you, I mean me––is that our brains are built on a 40,000 year old platform. Let's not forget, evolution is a...

The Burstiness of Shuffle Mode
When techno wizard Steve Jobs and his crew first brought us the iPod, it came pre-installed with a nifty program called 'shuffle mode.'...