Tasting Sounds, Hearing Colors: The World of Synesthesia
What color is Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run”? For many, the question may sound like word salad, but if you have synesthesia, not only...

The Cutest Fact You'll Learn Today
We all want to hang out with the people who really “get” us—our equals, our peers. As it turns out, this even appears to hold true for...

Watch Out: The Other Side of Delighters
Last week, we talked about how "delighters", those little extra touches, can make all the difference in sales. There’s just a few things...

Hustling the Brain, or Why We're Suckers for Delighters
Today’s consumers are savvier than ever. In this age of constant media bombardment, it may feel harder and harder to stand out from the...

The Prisoner Dilemma: Problems with the Stanford Prison Experiment
If you’ve taken a psych class in the past four decades, you’ve probably encountered some version of the following story: In 1971,...

Beautiful Minds
Hollywood doesn’t have the best track record portraying mental illness. From the harmless, almost charmingly quirky weirdos of Benny and...

Putting the Focus on ADHD
Could you have ADHD? If you’re not, say, a hyperactive schoolboy, it’s possible that nobody has ever suggested this to you. However,...

Why Stress Makes Gamblers of Us All
Chronic stress: it’s not just bad for your stress ball budget. Left untreated, persistent stress can create a whole host of problems in...

The Latest Neuroscience Breakthrough? It's Inside a Mouse's Skull
How much of our social behavior is hard-wired and how much is learned? It’s a huge question. The nature vs nurture debate has raged for...

The Frequency Illusion: How Not to Fall for Argle-Bargle
Let’s say you’re reading up on landmark Supreme Court decisions of the past decade. (Hey, everybody needs hobbies.) You’re skimming an...