What Copernicus Can Tell Us About Your Company's Staying Power
In 1543, Polish astronomer and mathematician Copernicus published a then-radical theory, carefully timed just before his death: the...

Fallen Empires and Phony Wine: The Seersucker Effect
Making iffy predictions about our future: it’s been a hallmark of human behavior for at least as long as we’ve been recording our...

Why your brain is no match for Vegas
Thanks to modern jet travel, I am currently high above the American Great Plains, winging my way to Las Vegas tonight to speak at a...

Getting Smart About Intelligence
So what is intelligence, or more importantly, how does it work? The U.S. federal government recently announced it has budgeted some 3...

The Rise and Fall of Caleb Weatherbee, or Punditry, Prognosticators, and Poblano
So imagine it’s 1826 and you want to know what the weather will be doing tomorrow. You really have one choice: pull out your trusty...