Why Testosterone May Be the Real "Luxury Drug"
“You are what you buy,” our consumer culture seems to tell us. But how fixed and immutable are our buying preferences? How subject are...

A Tall Glass of Humility
We all know the story of the New Coke debacle—or at least, we think we do. It’s one of the most notorious corporate blunders of the last...

Binary Selection and the Tyranny of "Good, Better, Best"
Last time you pulled up to a gas pump, you had to make a choice. That choice consisted of 87% with ethanol, Regular, or Premium. It’s a...

To Buy or Not to Buy, that is the question
StartFragment Every day, billions of dollars are exchanged for goods or services in that most American pastime known as shopping. Some...

Why Cinnabon is smarter than you and me combined
So somehow you find yourself stuck in the Mall of America, mannequins staring vacantly at you from all sides, dressed in the latest...