Mental Representations: The Art of Finding The Elephant
In 1501, the Church of Florence commissioned Michelangelo to sculpt a marble statue of David the Biblical shepherd boy. Because the...

Shattering the Three Myths of Expertise
In the last twenty years we’ve learned a tremendous amount about how expertise is created. Scientists like K Anders Ericsson from Florida...

Falling Apples and the Rise of Domain Knowledge
What is the most practical method for generating creativity? Despite our growing understanding of those neural processes, that question...

What Your Grandma and Corporations Have in Common
Imagine your grandma just celebrated her 85th birthday. She's beginning to forget things, but her doctor has reassured you that since, if...

Transference Bias: A Tale of Bloody Wars, Baby Kings, and Bad Bosses
There was a time, and it was not so long ago, that conventional wisdom said if you were born into nobility, you possessed a set of...

Wisdom, Socrates, and the McRibb (not necessarily in that order)
Information is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom. This simple truth is often ignored. Maybe it's not surprising. After all, it...