Getting Smart About Intelligence
So what is intelligence, or more importantly, how does it work? The U.S. federal government recently announced it has budgeted some 3...

Lance Armstrong, and The Biology of Cheating Your Body
Lance Armstrong is a cheater. For some, it was a shocking revelation. For the French cycling world, it was a classic I-told-you-so...

This is Your Brain On Piano Lessons
From the time of your birth, your parents were bombarding you with messaging. Everything from "Eat your peas" to "Listen up, young lady,...

Of Christmas decorations and electroshock therapy
When this holiday season is over and you've exhausted your patience, credit card, and yule spirit, here's something to ponder while you...

What Do The Airlines Have in Common with Your DNA?
The airlines have an interesting policy. Unofficially, it’s called the 1% Defection Rule, and it goes something like this. Imagine that...