The Goldilocks Rule of Sales
The idea of a life in sales can have a greasy connotation, summoning the mental image of a slick insurance or car salesman pitching you...

Facing Victory: Inside the Brain of a Chess Champion
Susan Polgar is considered a chess genius; at 21, she was the first woman in the world to become a Grandmaster. Her chess skills are so...

The Marx Brothers: Princes of Practice
When we think of legends of comedy, the Marx Brothers might come to mind. In the years leading up to World War II, they were the toast of...

If It Ain't Broke...Practice Breaking It
Swimmer Michael Phelps, now retired, is one of the most decorated Olympic athletes of all time. Of his 22 medals, 18 are gold. Phelps...

Tricking Your Brain To a Better Life
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between a virtuoso like Ray Charles and the guy putting in his piano set at your local...

How to Not Eat a Marshmallow (Willpower Part Two)
In last week’s post, we learned how Walter Mischel’s famous marshmallow test demonstrated that preschoolers with a willpower strategy...

The Marshmallow Connection: What Determines Success?
Although he didn’t realize it then, when Walter Mischel and his team turned their attention to preschoolers at the Bing Nursery School on...

Procrastination, the McClellan Problem, and You
General George B. “Little Mac” McClellan was the Union force commander during the Civil War. Beloved by his men, and a stickler for...

What Do Aretha Franklin, Paul Simon, and Lynyrd Skynyrd Have in Common?
When it comes to Carol Dweck’s concepts of mindset, northwestern Alabama might not be the first region that leaps into your mind. And yet...

Hacking Flow
In sports, it’s called being in the zone. I’m talking about those moments when self vanishes, time seems to slow down, and you are...