Why your brain is no match for Vegas
Thanks to modern jet travel, I am currently high above the American Great Plains, winging my way to Las Vegas tonight to speak at a...

Gaming the memory: the 'Peak-end' Rule
How do you decide on whether to go back to the same restaurant again, buy the same breakfast cereal, or even whether to read this blog...

The Reality Gap and the Power of Self-Myth
You are not you. By that, I mean that the idea of Self -- the single arbitrator of decisions and sole captain of your wants and desires...

What Makes Meetings So Terrible? The Asch Conformity Paradigm, For One Thing.
There is a special dialect unique to the corporate world. If you work at a big company, your brain might at this moment be reflexively...

Measuring the Unmeasureable
"Metric" is a kind of sexed up word for measurement, popular among the corporate crowd. The interesting thing about "metric" is that it...

To Buy or Not to Buy, that is the question
StartFragment Every day, billions of dollars are exchanged for goods or services in that most American pastime known as shopping. Some...

Your Brain on Bias
Last year, roughly 40,000 people died in automobile crashes on America's highways. This is a tragic number, but it has been much worse in...

Beware of Angels and Snackwell Cookies
When is the last time you ran into an angel? Not "angle"--we're talking harp, robes, and halo. Well, it turns out you don't have to...

Peanut Butter and Jelly, Long-Dead Warlords, and Procrastination
Let's have a moment's appreciation for the humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That most American of lunch bag staples, this classic...