The Over-the-Counter Medicine That Increases Your Risk-Taking
We tend to think of our personalities as pretty fixed and stable. We divide ourselves into introverts and extroverts, dreamers and...

When Having a Snack Might Save You
Got an important decision to make? If you’re feeling hungry, new research suggests you should probably have a snack or a meal before you...

Decoding the Hidden Language of Your Eyeball
Previously, we’ve talked about how enlarged pupils can signify attention or arousal. If someone’s pupils dilate when you talk to them,...

Sufficing Your Way Into A Happier Tomorrow
At over a decade old, Barry Schwartz's 2004 The Paradox of Choice definitely shows its age in some ways. CD players appear in example...

The Paradox of the Paradox of Choice
StartFragment When it comes to selling, is it better to present your customers with many options, or just a few? It's a debate that's...

How the Decoy Effect Makes Dupes of Us All
Imagine that, on the second morning of a business trip, you go to unzip your suitcase, only to realize you forgot to pack any pants. With...

The Proportionality Problem
Decision making: it’s what humans do. Estimates are that the average adult makes 35,000 decisions a day. Of those daily decisions, 226...

Binary Selection and the Tyranny of "Good, Better, Best"
Last time you pulled up to a gas pump, you had to make a choice. That choice consisted of 87% with ethanol, Regular, or Premium. It’s a...

Neuroscience, Decision-making, and Strippers
Decision making: there are countless books about it because, lets face it, decisions are at the epicenter of what we humans do. Make the...

The Bumpy Elevator Ride to the Top
Allegedly, this year Noah has knocked out Michael as the most popular baby boy name in the US. Perhaps among the names least likely to...