Cause and Correlation, or the Pirate Problem
As you can see from the above graph, global warming is pirate-based. It's something I think we all suspected, but were hesitant to...

The Unbalanced Brain: a Cautionary Tale
Last week, I talked about whole brain strategy. This week, a look at what happens inside a workplace when a company or organization tries...

The Reality Gap and the Power of Self-Myth
You are not you. By that, I mean that the idea of Self -- the single arbitrator of decisions and sole captain of your wants and desires...

Why You are More Like a Girl Scout Than You Think...
In Daniel Pink’s new book, To Sell is Human, he argues that selling is a natural byproduct of living in groups. If you want to make a...

Measuring the Unmeasureable
"Metric" is a kind of sexed up word for measurement, popular among the corporate crowd. The interesting thing about "metric" is that it...

To Buy or Not to Buy, that is the question
StartFragment Every day, billions of dollars are exchanged for goods or services in that most American pastime known as shopping. Some...

Why Cinnabon is smarter than you and me combined
So somehow you find yourself stuck in the Mall of America, mannequins staring vacantly at you from all sides, dressed in the latest...

The Most Powerful Four-Letter Word Isn't What You Think It Is
Our brains are programmed not to lose. It's called loss aversion, and it makes sense. If our ancient ancestors lost even a meager food...