How the Decoy Effect Makes Dupes of Us All
Imagine that, on the second morning of a business trip, you go to unzip your suitcase, only to realize you forgot to pack any pants. With...

The Problem(s) With Myers-Briggs in Business
Imagine going to a corporate team-building event where everyone in your office was sorted and evaluated based on the results of taking...

The Pygmalion Problem
Just how much is your performance shaped by the way your boss talks to you? To what extent are our behaviors, attitudes, and identities...

Confirmation Bias and the Parasites Nesting in Your Brain
"What is the most resilient parasite?” asks Leonardo DiCaprio in the 2011 movie Inception. “Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?”...

The Mozart Effect: Just How Magic Was that Magic Flute?
The person in the cubicle next to you is driving you crazy with their constant chatter. Naturally, you reach for your headphones. Whether...

The Three Things Every Leader Needs
What is a leader? The simplest and perhaps most literal definition is “someone with followers.” But the presence of followers alone...

Binary Selection and the Tyranny of "Good, Better, Best"
Last time you pulled up to a gas pump, you had to make a choice. That choice consisted of 87% with ethanol, Regular, or Premium. It’s a...

Bottling Habit
Last year, Americans used and discarded about 50 billion plastic water bottles. The recycling rate on those bottles is about 23%, meaning...

Successful Sales and the Problem with Adjectives
What makes a good salesperson? Well, people on the internet certainly have some ideas. You only need to do a quick Google search for...

The Goldilocks Rule of Sales
The idea of a life in sales can have a greasy connotation, summoning the mental image of a slick insurance or car salesman pitching you...