Watch Out: The Other Side of Delighters
Last week, we talked about how "delighters", those little extra touches, can make all the difference in sales. There’s just a few things...

Hustling the Brain, or Why We're Suckers for Delighters
Today’s consumers are savvier than ever. In this age of constant media bombardment, it may feel harder and harder to stand out from the...

Kentucky Fried Coincidence
As Nobel Prize-winning behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman says, frequently we underestimate the role of luck in our successes. To...

A Tall Glass of Humility
We all know the story of the New Coke debacle—or at least, we think we do. It’s one of the most notorious corporate blunders of the last...

What's Your Sales Mindset?
When you look at the selling masters out there, the people who make sales look effortless, are you encouraged? (“Maybe with hard work,...

The New Sales ABCs
In To Sell is Human, writer Daniel Pink makes a bold declaration: regardless of our official job title, the majority of us are in sales....

The Ostrich Effect
First things first: despite any cartoons you might’ve seen, ostriches don’t try to hide from danger by burying their heads in the sand....

Why Stress Makes Gamblers of Us All
Chronic stress: it’s not just bad for your stress ball budget. Left untreated, persistent stress can create a whole host of problems in...

Sleeping on the Job
For most of us, the thought of getting caught sleeping at our desks is stressful enough to send our brains a zippy little wake-up shot of...

Nightmare Boss: The Dangers of Sleep-Deprived Leadership
Let’s say you’re a sleep pro. You’ve learned the key role of REM cycles in encoding new memories, and the troubling statistics linking...