Stereotype Threat, or, Secret Messages and You
One of the most disorienting ideas in Nobel Prize winning economist Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow is just how susceptible...

The Weed in your Brain
Taraxacum is not some newly found dinosaur. It is the scientific name for the pesky weed commonly called the dandelion. The dandelion...

The Achilles' Heel in Your Thinking
Have you ever wondered why some people—and maybe we’re talking about you—are so adamant about some things? It might be a political...

Anarchists In Your Brain: The Neuron Story
The structure of the brain is often described as an immense tangle of electrochemical connectors called neurons. These neurons number...

Save a Life: Take a Nap
Are you sleep-deprived? If you’re a working adult in America, I can probably answer the question for you: yes. Or at least,...

Beyond the Punchline: The Real Meaning of Laughter
“What keeps a dyslexic agnostic up at night? Wondering if there really is a dog.” You can debate whether that’s funny or not, but either...

Jonesing for a Soda? Here's Why
When we think of addiction, we might think of the heroin junkie lying on a dirty mattress with a needle in his arm, or a sweaty rockstar...

The Reptile Brain Fights Back: Extinction Bursts
Let’s suppose that you’ve got a habit you want to break. You’ve followed the following five habit-breaking rules: 1. Tell a friend you’re...

The Secret Music That's Always Playing in Your Head
Listening to music is one of the most compelling human experiences. Music taps deeply into our sense of feeling, often highlighting and...

Seeing Red, or, The Superpower You May Not Even Know You Have
StartFragmentI don’t need to tell you that sight is important for most people. It is estimated that the brain devotes 50% of its activity...