Squid Brains Comparable to Dog Brains, says Scientists
Image credit: Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland Put down that plate of calamari! For the first time, Dr Wen-Sung...

Bad Breakup? Neuroscience Can Help
Minnesota-based singer-songwriter, rapper, and essayist Dessa is famous—to the extent she is famous—for her gorgeous, aching breakup...

The Dad Factor
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the father figures in our lives—and in the lives of mammals, evolutionarily speaking. Having a huge...

Meet the Monkey at the Forefront of Discovery
Science news is full of what certainly sound like promising new studies featuring lab mice or lab rats as the test subjects. New...

Never See a Bat the Same Way Again
As Halloween approaches, let’s pause for a moment to consider a common piece of creepy iconography in Western culture: the bat....

Are Women Better at Reacting to Faces?
It’s an old stereotype that women can pick up on social nuances that men can’t. Ask a neuroscientist whether women are more adept at...

Decoding the Hidden Language of Your Eyeball
Previously, we’ve talked about how enlarged pupils can signify attention or arousal. If someone’s pupils dilate when you talk to them,...

How Your Brain is Like a Snowflake
No two human brains are exactly alike. Or at least, that’s what neuroscientists have generally assumed. After all, consider the highly...

Bird Brains: The Secret of Parrot Intelligence
Parrots: at times, they seem almost suspiciously smart. It’s not just about the talking and the mimicry; the Harvard Gazette reports that...

The Science of "Mini-brains"
StartFragment What makes the human brain so, well, human? It’s not purely a matter of size—from studying the cranial cavities of...