Something to Crow About
For decades, we've heard anecdotal evidence of the unnerving intelligence of birds in the corvid family: crows, ravens, jackdaws, and so...

Squid Brains Comparable to Dog Brains, says Scientists
Image credit: Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland Put down that plate of calamari! For the first time, Dr Wen-Sung...

A Fetching Discovery
They are quite possibly the first animal we ever domesticated, at least 15,000 years ago. Before the Pyramids of Giza, before Stonehenge,...

Meet the Monkey at the Forefront of Discovery
Science news is full of what certainly sound like promising new studies featuring lab mice or lab rats as the test subjects. New...

Never See a Bat the Same Way Again
As Halloween approaches, let’s pause for a moment to consider a common piece of creepy iconography in Western culture: the bat....

Why the Secrets of Language May Be Hiding in Your Birdcage
The Bengalese finch is what happens when for 250 years, people breed the white-rumped munia for its snowy plumage. It’s paler than its...

Bird Brains: The Secret of Parrot Intelligence
Parrots: at times, they seem almost suspiciously smart. It’s not just about the talking and the mimicry; the Harvard Gazette reports that...